Sable Tree

Rumor has it that there is a shop steeped in intrigue and filled with curiosities unheard of nestled deep within the shaded boughs of the Black Shroud. The flicker of candle light can oft be seen through the windows, and the scent of burned sage has long since mired into the very soils surrounding this esoteric establishment.Do you fancy yourself a purveyor of oddities? It would certainly not be wrong to say you've an inclination towards research of the many vast unknowns of the realm, but a helping hand or two is what you're searching for? Mayhap you are simply lost and you've wandered in by mistake! It matters little, for the question remains ostensibly the same....Will you walk in the shade of the Sable Tree?

located in the lavender beds, ward 15, plot 58

About Us

Sable Tree Co. is a shop that deals in matters of the occult and arcane, be it the acquisition of items of questionable origin, the research and discovery of strange phenomena, or consultation on varying matters related. Sable Tree prides itself on having active and involved members, both within the Company itself and in the community as a whole.With an inclusive environment, and a diverse cast of characters, there are endless possibilities for a character of any background to get involved. Along with providing an immersive, lore abiding environment, Sable Tree is able to help with character building as well.Need a role-play hook? Unsure of what to do with a character and you’ve run into a hitch? Got an event or an arc in mind that will help you further your characters development? We’re here to help and to make sure you’re having as much fun and getting as much bang for your buck as you can.For information & questions, contact one of the following, either in game or in discord;

Yeyha YanjahlTachi#5162
Admiah KreistonRanpuff#0351

rules & guidelines

When roleplaying with, or looking to join, our small community, please keep in mind the following rules & guidelines for interacting with us!

1. The world we play in is rich and diverse, so we try to adhere to the established lore as closely as possible. Research and discussion is always encouraged and welcome, and you are encouraged to ask for help with lore, when needed! We do not find the use of Fantasias lore-friendly!2. Respect the in-character and out of character boundary lines. The events of IC interactions are to hold no relation to OOC ones. If you experience something that bothers you on an OOC level please discuss it with the person or an officer. Metagaming, Godmoding, and other incidents of behavioral infractions are taken very seriously to ensure to enjoyment of everyone within the Free Company.3. Respect and be cordial to other members within the Free Company. If you dislike or disagree with someone in an out of character manner we expect all incidents of interpersonal conflicts to be handled like adults, and without harassment.4. Mature themes occur within reason. Any roleplay of sexual variety should be taken to a private setting and any overtly lewd conversation to private channels.5. Create opportunities for involvement and interaction! If there are no events or RP happening at the time that you're seeking them, take the opportunity to create some. Place your character within the estate or somewhere within the expansive world of Eorzea and let the company know that you're available. Plan an event and we'll place it within the company message to advertise it.